From the article:
The aim of this paper is to examine the possible contribution from renewables from several perspectives – (a) meeting the oft-stated slogan that today the contribution is about 2 % and the aim to raise it to 10 % from several enthusiasts of renewable energy including the ministry of non-conventional energy sources (b) ignoring it in favor of conventional fossil fuel energy through large power stations, since these are really the only substantive ones most people in power are familiar (c) examining how small industrial units with energy cost contribution to product is large, can survive with rising fuel prices, (d) how to combine the above objectives despite the devastating lack of awareness of most men in power – be it in politics, bureaucracy or industry – leaders and followers alike, about how to overcome the serious situation that the country is in through short and long term strategies and (e) how to convert the difficulties into blessings by large scale renewable energy generation by synergizing and benefiting from global aims of green house gas reduction plans.
It will be argued that if the aim is to add MW and MWh to the country’s electric supply, it is necessary to move away from “uniform support to all renewables” model to “selective appropriate support” model. Minihydel and Biomass based power generation are identified for adding MWs with good plant load factor; wind power generation follows next at relatively low plant load factor. Encouraging solar water heating systems will help conserve electrical energy used for heating in urban areas. Support for solar photovoltaic power should be based on considerations of impossibility of others for the specific application.
Rural energy servicing for heating/cooking calls for newer technological interventions. A careful study by NCAER on the "improved Chula" program of MNES over the earlier five years showed significant move towards fuel wood from agro-residues for many reasons including impropriety of the stoves for the use of agro-residues. A new approach to stove design for multi-fuel option will also be discussed.
A community of gasification enthusiasts hosted by Wayne Keith, resident expert & woodgas pioneer.
Drive On Wood is a partnership of Wayne Keith & Chris Saenz.